Northern Care Alliance NHS Group Highly Commended at prestigious HSJ Partnership Awards
1 July 2021
TRIAGEHF PLUS – Medtronic UK, Manchester University FT and The Northern Care Alliance NHS Group have been Highly Commended for the HealthTech Partnership of the Year at the HSJ Partnership Awards 2021.

Fairfield General supporting nutrition on discharge
11 March 2021
The Discharge Lounge at Fairfield General has been working with Community Dietitians, Porch Boxes and St Stephen’s CE Primary School Bury to help patients improve their nutrition and hydration during the first few days after leaving hospital.

A new endoscopy unit has opened at Fairfield General Hospital in Bury
19 January 2021
A new Greater Manchester Endoscopy Modular Unit based at Fairfield General Hospital in Bury has begun treating its first patients.