Become a Governor

Governors provide an essential link between the Board of Directors and the communities we serve. Our Governors share the interests and views of our members (Staff and Public) and the wider general public with the Board of Directors which ensures the services we provide, and our future plans and priorities, reflect the needs of our communities. The Code of Conduct for Governors is available here.

Lead Governor 

The NCA Constitution sets out that the Council of Governors shall appoint one of the Governors to be Lead Governor of the Council of Governors. The NHS Code of Governance for Provider Trusts describes the role of lead governor as facilitating direct communication between NHS England and the NHS foundation trust’s Council of Governors where it is not possible to communicate through the Chairman or Trust Secretary. It is not anticipated that there will be regular direct contact between NHS England and the council of governors in the ordinary course of business.

The Role of Public Governor

This role is essential to provide two-way communications with members in the consituency on issues emerging from the organisation and those emerging from the community. They develop the work of the membership and also feedback to the organisation, via the Council of Governors, the views and ideas of their members. Public governors will work closely with local community groups and the membership to support and inform future plans.

The Role of Appointed Governor

Appointed Governors communicate with their organisation on topics emerging from the Council of Governors and the Trust and will feedback views and ideas of their organisations.

The Role of Staff Governor

This role is essential to ensure that Trust strategy and direction is shaped by its staff. Staff Governors also ensure the views of our staff are represented.

It's important that those considering standing for Staff Governor vacancies discuss this with their Line Managers in the first instance and that support is granted before a nomination is submitted.

Time Allocation

To carry out this role effectively, Staff Governors will be required to contribute at least four hours per month to undertake their Governor duties.

On occasion, this time commitment might be increased to undertake specific governor duties. One example of this may be if the Staff Governor is a member of the NRTO Committee where there may be an increase in the number of meetings where attendance is required.

Dates for both the Council of Governors, Sub-Group meetings and Governor Training are circulated 12 months in advance and should therefore be shared between Staff Governors and Line Managers providing as much notice as possible.

Guidance for Line Managers

Line Managers should make every reasonable effort to meet requests for Staff Governors to undertake their role. It's noted that, due to department requirements, this may not always be possible. In this event, clear reasons should be given.

The Trust recognises that it can be challenging for staff to be released from their duties. In order to support Staff Governors and their managers to make suitable arrangements, dates of meetings are made available at the beginning of each year.

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