NCA Objectives 2023-2024

A set of objectives for 2023/24 have been developed, which are aligned to our Vision 10 Strategy and the work that we are doing with system partners. 

The overarching objectives shown below are aligned to each of our Vision 10 ambitions.

Improving Population Health icon

1.1 Continue to progress work to improve our population's health and develop a health equity workstream with our partners

Caring for and Inspiring our People icon

2.1 Continue to develop our leaders, creating the conditions where our people are happy, healthy and heard in work

2.2 Actively listen to and engage with our people, responding to the findings of the CQC and creating greater capacity for change

Improving Quality icon

3.3 Deliver our Quality Improvement Plan, as part of a robust Quality Management Strategy, ensuring compliance with CQC must-dos and sustained improvement

3.4 Continue to improve our Maternity Services, learning, listening to colleagues and family voices

3.5 Develop and commence mobilisation of the NCA's digital strategy

Improving Performance icon

4.1 Deliver sustained improvement against NHS constitutional standards for urgent, planned care and cancer, reducing inequalities and the harm caused by waiting for diagnostics and / or care

Supporting Social and Economic Development icon

5.1 Commit to being a Real Living Wage employer and continue to deliver our social value and sustainability plans

Financial Sustainability icon

6.1 Deliver our agreed financial plan as part of the Greater Manchester system


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