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Butler Green enhanced intermediate care unit in Oldham celebrates its 10th anniversary!

Butler Green, Oldham’s enhanced intermediate care unit, will be celebrating its 10th anniversary on Saturday 7th August with an afternoon tea party for patients and staff.

Dedicated NCA nurses receive their prestigious Chief Nursing Officer Award

Two of the Northern Care Alliance’s dedicated nurses have received their prestigious national award for their incredible service to the NHS.

RECOVERY-RS trial finds continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) reduces need for invasive ventilation in hospitalised COVID-19 patients

The Respiratory Strategies in COVID-19; CPAP, High-flow, and Standard Care (RECOVERY-RS) trial, which the Northern Care Alliance NHS Group (NCA) participated in, has demonstrated that treating hospitalised COVID-19 patients who have acute respiratory failure with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) reduces the need for invasive mechanical ventilation.

World Breastfeeding Week 2021: Mums encouraged to access breastfeeding support this World Breastfeeding Week

It’s World Breastfeeding Week 2021 and midwives and nurses across the Northern Care Alliance NHS group are busy promoting the many benefits of breastfeeding with mums.

NCA Associate Non-Executive Director Dr Faye Bruce appointed as one of the Deputy Lieutenants of Greater Manchester county

Northern Care Alliance NHS Group Associate Non-Executive Director Dr Faye Bruce has been appointed as one of the Deputy Lieutenants of Greater Manchester county.

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