‘Megasim’ event tests Oldham ED’s multi-disciplinary response to critical incidents
It might be one of the busiest times of year, but that didn’t stop Oldham’s Emergency Department team from running one of their annual ‘Megasim’ emergency simulation exercises to test how well the department works with other hospital teams when faced with a critical incident.

Dr Laura Coleman’s prestigious ICU Fellowship Award
Congratulations to Dr Laura Coleman, Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia at The Royal Oldham, who has been awarded a prestigious fellowship on the Women in Intensive Care Medicine Emerging Leadership (WICMEL) programme run by the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FICM).

Parish Council dedicates new commemorative bench and tree to NHS Staff and Keyworkers
ICU staff from The Royal Oldham Hospital were recently invited by Shaw and Crompton Parish Council to attend a special ceremony dedicating a commemorative bench and tree to NHS staff for all their hard work looking after patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Festive Message - NCA Chairman Prof Michael Luger