The Anticoagulation Service provides monitoring of Warfarin/Sinthrome.
This involves a finger prick test with immediate results which allows your Specialist Nurse to determine safe dosing of your medication, along with providing a next test appointment.
This service is provided at:
- Salford Royal - Tuesday AM, Thursday AM, Friday PM
- Eccles Gateway - Monday PM
- Swinton Gateway - Tuesday (all day)
- Irlam (Chapel Medical Centre) - Wednesday AM
- Pendleton Gateway - Wednesday PM
- Energise Centre - Thursday PM
- Newbury Place - Thursday PM
- Ordsall Health Centre - Friday AM
- Walkden Gateway - Friday (all day).
We also provide a clinic on Saturday morning alternating between Eccles and Walkden gateway. Staff working at this clinic are also on call to see patients at home for emergency INR checks where their INR result has been very high, that day or the previous day.
The team also provide domiciliary visits Monday to Friday, specific days for specific areas.
We also have patients who have a machine which enables them to do the INR test themselves and email in the result, a member of the team then checks and replies by email with the result and requested next test date.
Patients are referred to the Anticoagulation Service if they:
- have had a blood clot
- have an irregular heart beat
- have a replacement or mechanical heart valve
- have a clotting disorder such as thrombophilia
- Sometimes, after surgery, if the patient has an increased risk of blood clots forming
In this first meeting, you will have your medication explained to you and be advised how the medication works, the do’s and don’ts regarding what can affect your medication, any potential side effects, what to do if there are any changes to your circumstances, e.g. new medication, missed medication, changes to your diet or alcohol intake and you will also be provided with leaflets.The first appointment with the team usually lasts approximately 30 minutes.
You will also receieve a yellow book which you will be required to keep with you and take to all your appointments. The yellow book contains contact information for the Anticoagulation Team. It will also host the reason/s why you are taking this medication as well as the size in milligrams (MG) and colour of you tablets. There is also patient information in the front and back page’s as a reminder of all the information given to you at your first appointment.
Outpatients Red Area 6
The service takes referrals only from medical persons.
Your yellow book contains contact information for the Anticoagulation Team. It will also host the reason/s why you are taking your medication as well as the size in milligrams (MG) and colour of you tablets. There is also patient information in the front and back page’s as a reminder of all the information given to you at your first appointment.
You will also be provided with a yellow booklet containing all the above information in a little more depth.
The service works closely with other departments in the hospital.
If you are an inpatient for example and are being discharged or if you require surgery and/or your medication needs to be suspended and alternative cover needs to be provided. This includes dental and other procedures.