Our Outpatients Department holds a wide range of clinics to treat children and young people with a variety of different conditions. The service is made up of specialist doctors, nurses and therapists.
As a team we provide a warm, welcoming, child friendly environment ensuring children feel comfortable and confident to attend their appointments.
The main hub is based at Pendleton Gateway but we do provide clinics in other locations across the city therefore it is important that you check the details on your appointment letter.
Your child may see a doctor, nurse or other health care professional and may require further tests or investigations, these may be done during your appointment or arranged for a later date.
Consultant Led Services
- Allergy - An allergy is an adverse reaction that the body has to a particular food or substance in the environment. During the appointment your child may require a skin prick test. If you normally give your child an antihistamine, it is important that you do not give them any five days prior to appointment. There may be additional tests or investigations requested after the appointment.
Should your child have an allergy to a particular food or animal etc. then the doctor will provide the necessary advice and guidance.
- Asthma - A common long-term condition that can cause a cough, wheezing, and breathlessness. At this appointment, you will meet one of our Consultants and/or the Specialist Nurse for asthma who will assess your child. If necessary, tests may be carried out as part of the appointment (such as x-rays, blood tests, spirometer test) to assist in the development of an appropriate treatment plan. There may be additional tests or investigations requested after the appointment.
Please ensure that you bring any inhalers / spacers that are currently being used. Your child may require a spirometer test during their appointment.
- Continence – This is a Nurse-Led service and provides support for children and young people who experience night-time wetting and constipation to either achieve complete continence or to manage their condition discreetly and effectively if full control is not clinically possible at this time.
The service offers advice to promote healthy bladders and bowels to reduce the risk of issues becoming chronic such as constipation. The nurses will recommend a treatment plan if required and can provide tools to support this plan such as medication, bedwetting alarms and toileting plans for home and school.
- Dermatology - A dermatologist is an expert in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the skin, nails and hair. These clinics are supported by specialist nurses. Additional tests or investigations may be requested during this appointment. Referrals may be made to specialist services for specific treatments.
- Diabetes - Type 1 diabetes causes the level of glucose (sugar) in your blood to become too high. It happens when your body cannot produce enough of a hormone called insulin, which controls blood glucose. The Paediatric Diabetes Service provides a number of clinics for children and young people. The service has a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) where you will have the opportunity to see the Consultant, Specialist Nurse and Specialist Dietitian. We also have a psychologist as part of the team at this clinic. We also offer “virtual clinics” where information from your blood glucose meter, continuous glucose monitor or pump that has been uploaded can be reviewed remotely.
Before you attend the clinic, it is helpful if you have uploaded your meter the day before. This saves a considerable amount of time in clinic. If you have not been able to do this it is important that you bring your meter with you to every appointment.
- Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) - Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) clinics are delivered by a specialist ENT doctor. During this appointment your child may require a hearing test; this is undertaken before your child sees the doctor. Minor procedures may also be carried out such as nasal cautery and nasal endoscope.
If your child requires a procedure under general anaesthetic this will be carried out at either Salford Royal (day case procedures and children over the age of three years) or Manchester Children’s Hospital. Your child will require a pre-operative assessment if your child is going to Salford Royal and this will be carried out during your ENT appointment at Pendleton Gateway.
- General and Community Paediatrics - At this outpatient appointment you will meet one of our consultants, or a member of their team, who will assess your child. If necessary, tests may be carried out as part of the appointment (such as x-rays, blood tests) to assist in the development of an appropriate treatment plan. There may be additional tests or investigations requested after the appointment.
- Neurology & Epilepsy – Paediatric Neurology is the branch of medicine which diagnoses and, where possible, treats babies, children and young people who have disorders of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles. Your child may require an EEG (electroencephalogram), these are carried out at Manchester Children’s Hospital and will be arranged at a later date by them. There may be additional tests or investigations requested after the appointment.
If you are able to bring video footage of your child experiencing any unusual episodes or seizures, then this would assist the clinician in making an assessment. Please also keep a diary of events and bring this to the clinic appointment, including date, time, duration and brief description.
Nurse Led Services
- Dermatology - The specialist nurse is available to offer added practical support to Children and their families with various skin related conditions and treatments.
- Hyperhidrosis - This is a condition where a person sweats excessively, and much more than the body needs in order to regulate its temperature. If your child is referred for Iontophoresis (a treatment option for Hyperhidrosis) please be aware the first appointment is information only session. If it is decided this treatment is suitable you will then be given the days for the following sessions (this is seven treatments over a four week period).
- Prolonged Jaundice - This is a nurse-led clinic which is supported by a paediatric consultant. Referrals will usually be made by a midwife or health visitor. Babies are seen between 14 and 28 days old. During this clinic a general examination will be performed, a blood test and urine sample are also required. General advice is also given to parents and information regarding results and follow-up.
- Venepuncture – Appointments for a blood test are requested by GP's and Paediatricians for a variety of different reasons. If you would like your child to have the numbing cream, please be aware that this takes 30 minutes to take effect. If you can please obtain cream from your GP and apply before you arrive. Cold Spray is available as an alternative. If you have been referred via your GP please remember to bring your blood requests card that you should receive prior to your appointment.
- Wound - These clinics are run by the community nurses that assess and manage wounds and offer advice on a variety of treatments.
- Overnight Oxygen Saturation Monitoring (Sleep Study) - This test measures your child’s sleep and breathing patterns, this is undertaken in your own home and involves the loan of an oxygen saturation machine. You will be instructed how to use the machine upon collection and must return the machine once the sleep study is completed. From the results of the sleep study, the medical professionals associated with your child’s care will make a diagnosis.
Other Healthcare Professionals
- Audiology - Providing Audiology and New Born Hearing Service.
- Dietitian - A Dietitian is an expert in food and nutrition. They give dietary advice, help to promote healthy eating habits and develop specific diets for children who may have food intolerances. The dietitians also have clinics for children who may have difficulty eating or may require specialist feeding devices.
What to bring
Appointment letter
Investigation request cards (GP referrals)
Any medications
Any questionnaires you may have been asked to complete
Any relevant medical information, ie red book or medical correspondence
Snacks and drinks
Nappies etc
Anything else your child might need
What happens when you arrive?
When you arrive at Pendleton Gateway proceed to the Childrens Reception at the rear of the building.
Book in at children’s reception on the ground floor - your child’s details and contact details will be checked with you. Any changes necessary will be made at this time eg Change of GP, your telephone number. You will be directed where to wait with your child.
A nurse will then call for your child when it is their turn.
Your child may have their measurements or observations recorded before they see the clinician/therapist.
For appointments at any of our other locations please see details on appointment letter.
Please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment time allowing plenty of time for your visit; sometimes your child may require some tests or investigations.
If your child is having bloods taken, ensure they drink plenty of fluids before their appointment.
We make every effort to keep to your appointment time. However, some children may require a longer time with the clinician/therapist, which may make the clinic run a little later.
Please be aware several clinics run alongside each other every day and not everyone is there for the same clinic as you.
Continence: Eric.org.uk/ bbuk.org.uk
Dermatology: BAD British Association of Dermatologists/ National Eczema Society/ Hyperhidrosis UK
Diet, feeding: Infant and Toddler Forum/ The Association of UK Dietitians
Ear, Nose and Throat: ENT UK
Milk allergy resources and links
These resources are for babies diagnosed with Milk allergy.
For babies under 9 months:
Please watch the short video on How to Introduce Solid food to your baby with Cow’s Milk Allergy and then click on the links below to access further information:
Weaning links
- Start 4 Life - ready or not
- Start 4 Life - safe weaning
- First steps Nutrition PDF
- Infant and Toddler Forum - weaning
- British Dietetic Association Complimentary Feeding
- Cow's Milk Free Diet Information for Babies and Children | Allergy UK | National Charity
- BDA links for calcium
- BSACI links for Introduction of other Common Allergenic Foods - booklet PDF
- BSACI links for Introduction of other Common Allergenic Foods - booklet summary PDF
- Cows Milk free diet sheet for infants and children PDF
Cooking with Cow’s Milk Alternatives - recipe ideas and information around cooking with cow’s milk alternatives are available from your baby’s alternative milk company website.
For babies aged over 9 months:
Please watch the video on the Reintroduction of Cow’s Milk using the IMAP Milk Ladder and then click on the additional links for further resources.