A new confidential high tech service has been set up by a joint team of local health and care staff to offer support to parents, carers and children and young people who live in Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale (or are registered with a GP in the area).

The service offers help and advice on a range of health related issues giving up to date relevant information or where applicable setting up direct appointments or helping to access other more appropriate services.
It is run by a multiple group of healthcare practitioners working together as one team, allowing a joined up service for all children, young people and their parents and carers. Using the portal is easy to use and users will only need to tell their 'story' once, rather than to different professionals, leading to better care and a better experience.
Overseen by the Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale Children’s Integrated Community Health Service, which is part of Rochdale Care Organisation and the Northern Care Alliance NHS group. The service is available Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) 08:00 – 18:00 and Saturday 08:00 – 12:00 and will respond to a request within 24 working hours of it being logged on the system.
The portal is interactive and can also be used by other health, education and social care professionals as well as parents/carers or young people themselves. Any supporting documentation that is needed can be sent via confidential email.
Victoria Thorne, Divisional Director of Nursing and Therapies said “This is an excellent service set up and managed by our Children’s Integrated Community Health Services team. It offers an online service that helps reduce the need for postal referrals which will speed up the process of children 0 to 19 years in the community receiving care. This service is a welcomed addition to our community services and a valuable resource for our parents and carers across Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale.”
The range of service the portal covers cover includes; health visiting, school nursing, child development, children’s speech and language therapy, children’s physiotherapy and occupational therapy and the social communications team. Topics are wide ranging and include support from birth to early years, to primary school and adolescence – weight and nutrition, child development, to supporting parents/carers children and young people with complex conditions. The team will always use interpreting services should they be needed.
Anyone wanting to contact the service for none urgent advice and support please access using the link: https://hmrchildrenshealthportal.northerncarealliance.nhs.uk/