Disruption to blood tube supply – patient information
A supplier to the NHS has advised us and other hospital trusts of a global shortage of some equipment used for taking blood tests.

Never Quit Quitting campaign encourages Greater Manchester smokers to quit smoking
The CURE Project is supporting a major new campaign aiming to help thousands more people who live and work in Greater Manchester to stop smoking.

Northern Care Alliance Team shortlisted for a HSJ Award 2021
The Northern Care Alliance NHS Group team behind Salford Royal’s Haemodialysis Service are celebrating after being shortlisted for a Health Service Journal (HSJ) Award 2021.

Ophthalmology is live with digital appointment letters
Following the success of the DrDoctor text reminder service to ophthalmology patients in Bury, Rochdale and Oldham, the department is the first specialty to go live with digital appointment letters to patients.

NCA celebrates its healthcare heroes
IN MARCH 2020 the Northern Care Alliance NHS Group (NCA) admitted its first COVID-19 patient; the organisation established its gold command structure, and so began its response to the COVID-19 pandemic.