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Professor Simon Lal was a key note speaker at the annual Optimal Nutrition Conference for All (ONCA) conference in Turin, Italy, in June 2024.

The conference edition marked a significant step forward to further transform the ONCA conference into an even more interactive ‘European nutritional care policy summit.’ While securing the patient’s perspective, speakers explored both national and European Union-level policies, bridging the gap between nutrition science and effective policies.

The title of Professor Lal’s talk was 'Navigating Nutritional Policies in the UK: Valuable Lessons from Intestinal Failure Strategies’ and he also led a workshop entitled: ‘Investing in Health: Transforming lives through Intestinal Failure Awareness’.

Simon summit.jpg

Congratulations to Salford’s Intestinal Failure (IF) team for running their 12th consecutive annual European Nutrition Society (ESPEN)-endorsed IF Conference on Friday 22 and Saturday 23 March 2024. Multi-national and multi-disciplinary clinicians spent two days with the Salford IF team here from countries including USA, Slovenia, Poland, Netherlands, Sweden, Canada, Estonia, Sri Lanka, Belgium, Denmark and the UK. The Salford IF team are always keen to share their experience with colleagues; this year, attendees included medical consultants and nurses from the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, USA) and the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden) which reflects the international reputation that Salford holds in the Intestinal Failure arena. The event included case discussions, ward rounds and practical, hands-on workshops.

Professor Simon Lal said “The feedback received was excellent, with delegates highlighting that the lessons learned will help them develop services in their own countries and that they hoped to build long-term networks and relationships with the Salford IF Team”.


Books2.jpgThe Intestinal Failure service, Salford Care Organisation are proud to have contributed to the 2nd edition of the major international textbook of Intestinal Failure.

Congratulations to Salford’s Intestinal Failure team for contributing multiple chapters to what is considered the major international textbook of Intestinal Failure.

Professor Simon Lal was credited as associate editor for the second edition and he, along with Professor Gordon Carlson, Mrs Kirstine Farrer, Mr Arun Abraham, Dr Ashley Bond, Dr Peter Paine and Dr Paul Chadwick and Sister Cathy Cawley wrote multiple chapters covering the multidisciplinary care of patients with Intestinal Failure.

The revised edition continues to raise awareness on this devastating disease, delivering high class educational content on the diagnosis, treatments and the delivery of Home Parenteral Nutrition to a wide international audience.


The multi-disciplinary care required to look after patients with complex intestinal failure really shines through in this latest international textbook.

Intestinal Failure by Nightingale, Jeremy M.D. (

Medal and poster.jpgKirsty Hall, Clinical Nurse Specialist for Intestinal Failure at Salford Care Organisation, has been awarded the 2023 Pam Harris Medal at the annual British Association of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN) 2023 conference in Edinburgh.

Kirsty’s dedication and hard work in the development of the Intestinal Failure Outreach service has improved the care provided to patients with intestinal failure both in hospital and in the community, and the rapid interventions provided by the team have prevented many hospital admissions. Not only did Kirsty receive the award for her abstract ‘Efficacy of a nurse led service in the management of central venous catheter repairs for patients receiving home parenteral support’, Kirsty also presented a poster and presentation at Bapen Conference describing the results and outlining the service that the outreach team provide.

Pam Harris Medal Lecture | BAPEN

Dele Powell-Tuck Prize.jpgDr Ayodele Sasegbon, Specialist Registrar in Intestinal Failure, was awarded the prize for his abstract on “The relationships between SARC-F, the Rockwood clinical frailty scale, bioelectrical impedance analysis, and anthropometry in patients with type two intestinal failure”.

BAPEN Medical Powell-Tuck Prize | BAPEN

Through research the intestinal failure team continue to research and raise awareness on key topics surrounding the care of patients with one of the most complex and challenging gastro-intestinal conditions.

AUSPEN.jpgCongratulations to Professor Simon Lal, who was invited as the keynote international speaker to the annual conference of the Australasian Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, held in Auckland, New Zealand in November.

Professor Lal delivered four plenary talks on Intestinal Failure (IF), covering Advances in IF care, Quality of Life, Crohn's disease and Palliative Parenteral Nutrition.

The vast majority of the data he presented to support his lectures had been derived from research and quality improvement work that he and the team have conducted at the Northern Care Alliance, highlighting that Salford remains a world-leading authority in Intestinal Failure care delivery.

Professor Lal said” It was an honour to speak at AuSPEN and to share our experiences in IF care. We hope to use the conference as a platform to develop long-term collaborations with colleagues from Australia and New Zealand.”


Professor Simon Lal, Clinical Lead of Salford’s Intestinal Failure Unit, was invited as the guest speaker at the inaugural meeting of the Sri Lankan College of Nutrition Physicians in May 2023. He was also awarded a lifetime Fellowship of the College.

Professor Lal has established an annual Clinical Nutrition Training Programme for Sri Lankan Physicians in Salford since 2019 and hopes to continue to build on the Salford-Sri Lankan collaboration in the coming years.


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