Salford Care Organisation - Senior Leadership Team

Charlotte Bailey joins us as the Chief Officer for Salford and commences employment from 3rd July 2023.

Charlotte was originally the Executive Director of Organisational Development and People at Central & North West London where she had been in post since January 2020

Prior to that, she was at Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust where she was the Executive Director of Strategy, Partnerships and People.

She has worked in the public sector for over 20 years, in both local Government and the NHS as an operational, corporate and commissioning lead.

Charlotte began her career in psychology working with children and young people with mental health conditions, and went on to lead one of the UK’s biggest Early Intervention Services, so has a great grounding in operational services.

Charlotte has led major change programmes including redesigning and implementing integrated, place-based teams and new care models in health, leading public service reform and comes with a track record of transforming services and supporting cultural change.

Charlotte has a passion for inclusion, patient-led services and clinically-led care and that’s at the heart of her style. Which is exactly the culture we embrace at Salford.

Charlotte says; “I was thrilled to be offered the post at Salford. They are innovative, values driven and have moved to an integrated community approach which is everything I believe in. I am really looking forward to working with the team and partners and play a role in maturing and enhancing services to local people.”

Outside of work Charlotte is a keen runner and often galvanises team runs for charity. She loves the great outdoors - walking, travel and music festivals. She has two teenage daughters and enjoys spending time with them and her family.

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Mark commenced the role of Medical Director in November 2023. He joined Salford as a Consultant Neurologist in 2000 and maintains his clinical role specialising in Movement Disorders. He has progressed through various leadership roles within Salford in Neurology and ultimately as Chair of The Manchester Centre for Clinical Neurosciences, one of the largest specialist Neurosciences units in the UK.

He has had regional leadership roles as clinical lead for the Greater Manchester and East Cheshire Neurology Strategic Clinical Network, sat on the National Neurosciences Clinical Reference Group and chaired the Greater Manchester Neurorehabilitation Operational Delivery Network.

He joins the director team at a time of significant financial and performance challenge but is excited to work with colleagues across the organisation to re-establish high quality, safe and sustainable services for the Salford and Greater Manchester.

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Janet Hegarty, Deputy Medical Director, and Consultant in Kidney Medicine at Salford Care Organisation will step into the role of Interim Medical Director until the time someone is appointed. Janet has been Deputy Medical Director at Salford Care Organisation since 2017 and is passionate about patient safety, patient experience and continuously improving quality in healthcare.

Rafik Bedair, Chief Medical Officer, Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust said,

“As we enter this new era at Salford Care Organisation with the introduction of a new Chief Officer and eventually a new Medical Director, it is good to know that during this time of transition the organisation is in good hands. Many thanks to Janet for agreeing to support the organisation in this interim role.”

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Katie has worked in both managerial and clinical levels within the NHS and private sector since qualifying as a nurse and joining the NHS.

She has an operational management background in ED, medicine, surgery and community services and started her career as an emergency department nurse at North Manchester General Hospital. Throughout her career Katie has worked in acute, commissioning and private healthcare settings, and re-joined The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust in February 2013, having previously started her career there in 1996.

In 2017, Katie was appointed divisional managing director within the Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale (HMR) integrated care division, and is presently the Chief Operating Officer with responsibility for the operational delivery of services across Salford Royal Hospital and community services.

Katie has led a number of key transformation initiatives and is passionate about patient care and the links between health, social care and the wider social value offer we can provide to our local populations.

She lives locally with her husband and two children.


David has a wealth of experience over his 25 years of professional nursing service, with a passion for patient safety and for leadership that empowers others.

For many years David worked in critical care as lead nurse, gaining valuable experience and an enthusiasm for quality improvement. He was involved with national safety projects supported by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI).

Another passion is around the health and wellbeing of staff, as well as prioritising the personal and professional development of colleagues.

The patient’s voice is important to him – he has worked tirelessly in promoting and developing stakeholder involvement initiates to drive improvement in clinical pathways and patient experiences of care.

David’s career to date has offered and continues to offer, many development and leadership opportunities in both operational and strategic system wide management.  

He is recognised for his vision, enthusiasm and passion for safe and effective care, as well as empowering staff to enable a patient-centred and quality-driven sustainable service.


Diane joined Salford Royal in 2005 as part of the team who co-ordinated the Salford Royal Foundation Trust application. She joined the Salford Care Organisation in 2017 as director of finance, having previously been the deputy director to the executive director of finance.

Diane has been involved in a number of developments working within and outside the Trust to help deliver changes to the way care is provided. These include work to establish the Salford Integrated Care Organisation, chairing the finance delivery group to oversee the financial arrangements for the reconfiguration of high-risk surgery across the north-west of Greater Manchester, and being involved in the development of locality plans to support the Greater Manchester Combined Authority application.

She's committed to continuing professional development both personally and for the finance team. The Salford Royal teams have level 3 Finance Skills Development Accreditation (highest level) and level 2 NHS Standards of Procurement.


Lorraine is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), and a qualified coach and mediator.

Lorraine joined Salford in February 2023 and has over 30 years' experience of working in both operational and strategic HR. Her career spans a number of sectors including manufacturing, finance, outsourcing, welfare to work, local authority social care and NHS. She's led on several major transformational workforce programmes and been part of global, national and regional working groups supporting large scale change. For the last fifteen years Lorraine has held responsibility for leadership and has been the senior HR lead to Chief Executives and Board Chairs.

Lorraine is a firm believer in distributed leadership where everyone has the opportunity to share their thoughts on improving the service delivery. She's committed to the professional development of her team and supporting workforce transformation in Salford. Building a positive working culture and engaging people in making every day improvements to their working day and seeing this implemented is the work Lorraine loves to do and brings the most job satisfaction to her. Another passion is seeing people develop and grow.

Married with two grown up children, Lorraine when not at work, likes nothing better than putting a pair of walking boots on and going to explore in the hills and dales.


Salford Care Organisation Structure Chart

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