Paediatric Continuing healthcare team - Salford Community

The Children’s Continuing Healthcare Team (CHC) are a team of qualified Children's Nurses and highly experienced Health Care Support Workers who are dedicated to providing care and support closer to home for children and young people who are eligible to receive the service, aged 0-19 years old within the Salford area.

The CHC team provides commissioned packages of care to children and young people, who primarily must be eligible for continuing health care, and who are technology dependent, have a life limiting condition, or complex health needs working in partnership with a variety of different services and agencies across Salford.   

Care is provided predominantly in children and young peoples homes, by highly trained healthcare support workers. Sometimes care is given in other provisions such as education settings.

The service offered is specific to each individual child / young person.

A comprehensive nursing assessment will be undertaken prior to submitting an application for support to the Continuing Health Care Team. This will be completed as per the National Framework for NHS continuing healthcare and a decision will be made by the ICB (Salford Commissioning board) for qualification and allocation of a package of care.

Each child is allocated a named qualified Children’s Nurse who will plan and coordinate care and support. 

Comprehensive plans of care will be implemented, specific to the needs of the child / young person.

Care will be provided predominantly in the home setting by a team of trained Health Care Support Workers.

A registered nurse will oversee each package.

For a referral into the service, the child / young person must live in the Salford area, be eligible for continuing health care, be aged 0-19 years old and have a diagnosed medical / health condition as specified above. 

Parent / carer / self referrals are not accepted.

Referrals are accepted from the following services / agencies;-

  • Children’s community services – Special Needs School Nurses, Community Paediatricians, SEND Team, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy,
  • Health colleagues – GP, Health Visitor, School Nurse, Practice Nurse
  • Hospitals –Consultant Paediatricians (including specialist Paediatricians), Childrens General and Speciality Wards
  • Social Care Teams
  • Salford ICB – Children’s Continuing Health Care Team


  • Special Needs School Nursing Team
  • Salford Community Paediatric Service
  • Salford Children’s Occupational and Physiotherapy Team
  • Salford Additional Needs Speech and Language Therapy
  • Salford Children’s Speech and Language Service
  • Salford Children Social Care Teams
  • Continuing Health Care Team (Salford ICB)
  • Salford Community Children’s Nutrition and Dietetics Service

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