Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA)



As part of our dedication to equality, diversity and inclusion, the NCA uses a comprehensive system of Equality Impact Assessments (EQIAs).

This ensures any proposed service, strategy, policy, function or similar directive is systematically analysed by a specialist team. The process identifies what effect, or likely effect, it may have on the people who come into contact with the organisation, such as service users or employees.

The aims of carrying out the impact assessments are to:

  • identify whether communities or people with protected characteristics are excluded from or disadvantaged by any of the services or employment opportunities offered by the Group
  • ensure the organisation engages with service users and stakeholders, and increases participation through the consultation process
  • ensure staff consider alternative measures that might address any adverse impact
  • promote and embed equality of opportunity in the policies and practices of the organisation
  • help the organisation to fulfil its legal duties under current equality legislation
  • help the organisation to fulfil its mission statement: ‘To provide the best care for each patient on every occasion’

What’s covered by the EQIA process?

Strategies, policies and guidelines

EQIAs are undertaken on all Group documents that appear on the Document Management System, including strategies, policies and guidelines. This takes place either at the planning stage of a new process or at the review stage of an existing process (usually three years after the initial publication).


For existing services, EQIAs are carried out on a three-year rolling programme.

For services undergoing change, EQIAs are carried out prior to the change, helping to design and shape the revised service

Why are EQIAs so important?

The NCA recognises the vital role it plays in ensuring that health inequalities are identified and eliminated. The resulting equity and fairness are core qualities and values to be embedded within the organisation.

Changes to public sector duties brought about by the Equality Act 2010 mean the NCA must demonstrate that the organisation understands and recognises the diversity of people within its local communities. This is achieved through collecting and analysing both relevant and quantitative evidence which must then be used to inform service design and delivery.

In addition, the Group will continue to monitor equality for carers and issues around social deprivation. Human rights remain the highest priority and are always considered alongside the other protected characteristics throughout all business planning, development and implementation.

We have standardised our EQIA template and the process that’s carried out across all our Care Organisations. Any policy, service change or business case to be approved must include a completed EQIA.

For copies of the assessments, or further information regarding the EQIA process, please contact the Equality Inclusion Function: equality@nca.nhs.uk

*Protected characteristics

Age, disability, ethnicity (race), gender reassignment, sex, religion and belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity and marriage and civil partnerships.

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